Got questions? Here’s everything you need to know.

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How will sharing my measurements help?

Sharing your nipple measurements will:

  • Help shape the conversation around creating a more pain-free experience.
  • Push for more funding into research on all aspects of women’s health.
  • Change the way products are designed, considering the diversity of women’s bodies.

What'll you do with my data?

We’ll compile and analyse nipple measurements from all over the world to create a nipple encyclopedia that can be used to better design products for women, minimising damage, discomfort and pain.

We won’t ask you to share any imagery of your body – just measurements.

Your responses will be anonymous.

We won’t share your individual responses or your email address with anyone.

We will only present aggregated data, which means your name won’t be attached to your nipple information.

What if I haven't pumped or breastfed?

You don’t need to have pumped, or breastfed, or even have kids. We just need data on women’s bodies to help make pumping more comfy. 

You don’t need to know what your nipple size was when you were pumping or feeding – we’re after your current measurements.

Isn’t the flange in the video too big?

Yes, it is!

While you can make pumping more comfortable with the right flange size, the fact that 8 out of 10 women experience pain, discomfort and damage when pumping means that we’ve still got a long way to go, even with a properly fitting flange! Collecting and publishing data on real nipples is one way of drawing attention to the fact that women’s pain is routinely ignored, and that products designed for women need to be better.

Who's behind this?

We are Milkdrop, a group of Australian engineers and designers (parents and mums) who believe women shouldn't be an afterthought when designing products that will be used by them.

Breast pumps are used by the majority of mothers, yet almost every mother has a bad experience with using them. No one deserves to be in pain using a device that’s supposed to help them feed their baby.

We want to change the way the world is designed for women, starting with breast pumps.

More questions or feedback? We'd love to hear from you at support@milkdroppumps.com